What we did:
Over a four-month period we delivered a process and impact evaluation of Time2Connect, an asset-based community development project that aims to deliver improvements in resident wellbeing, reduce health inequalities, and strengthen community capacity to take collective action.
Apteligen worked with the service provider and the project commissioner to deliver an evaluation which reflected the project’s values of recognising community assets, surfacing the experiences and perspectives of project beneficiaries and staff, and holding individual-level outcomes in view whilst not losing sight of the wider ‘system’ within which the project is working.
How we did it:
We attended and observed the work of the project, undertook semi-structured interviews with project beneficiaries, partners, and staff. We collected demographic data from beneficiaries, ran a town-wide survey, and reviewed project documents, case studies, monitoring data and reports, and internal survey data. We worked closely with the service provider to deliver a pragmatic and robust evaluation of a complex and evolving community project.
What the project achieved:
We delivered a comprehensive evaluation report and presentation which provided in-depth findings on the development and impact of the project, as well as a theory of change for the project and considerations regarding its ongoing sustainability and delivery, scalability, and the opportunity to replicate the project’s model in other locations.
An ethical organisation with strong principles. Professional, knowledgeable, personable, responsive. Seemed to view the work as a worthwhile and interesting undertaking, which yielded good outcomes. Good value for money.
Martin Westerby, Head of Public Health Programmes, Central Bedfordshire Council
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